Personalized Guidance

Every terror victim receives all the necessary therapeutic resources for their healing and growth.

We gather together terror victims in Israel into one family, offering mutual support and solidarity.  We aim to assist in the recovery of every terror victim and the members of their families, empowering each victim with the tools to recover emotionally, physically, and financially. 

Moreover, we provide comprehensive legal assistance and a variety of holistic treatment plans tailored to each victim. These activities take place in our well-known “family” atmosphere–cherished and trusted by the victims.

At OneFamily, we share both joy and sorrow. We create a platform that allows growth, pain, tears, and even laughter. Family is not defined by blood; it is defined by the willingness to be there when you need it most. We cannot piece their lives back together, but we can stand by their side and guide them at every step on their long journey of recovery.

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