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OneFamily, honored with the 2024 Genesis Prize, "The Jewish Nobel Prize" by Time Magazine,

support all terror victims in Israel regardless of faith or background. Despite surging demand since Oct 7th, we leverage 23 years of experience to provide crucial nationwide assistance to victims on their path towards healing. Our team works tirelessly to assure those affected by terror and war that they are not alone.

Lior Raz, OneFamily and Variety-Los Angeles

Fathers of Murdered Children Sing in Support of the Soldiers

Supporting the Bereaved

At OneFamily, we understand the profound pain and loss experienced by those who have been bereaved due to unthinkable circumstances. Our dedicated staff and a passionate army of volunteers have embarked on a mission to visit every household where a loved one has been lost. In some heart-wrenching cases, entire families have been affected, with homes reduced to ashes and all possessions gone. We know of 21 new ORPHANS from this war, and will assist families with the smooth transition of their adoption and trauma care. There are countless new widows and widowers, and children who saw their parents murdered, along with parents who witness their child’s murder, and kidnapped relatives. Unimaginable horrors have been sustained, and we offer grief and trauma therapy for each and every victim, for as long as they need it.

We stand with the new grieving families from Operation Iron Swords War, as well as families who were bereaved decades ago, providing immediate relief and long term support. Our team offers essential items such as clothing, towels, sheets, cell phones, and even computers, recognizing that these basics offer some comfort in the face of tragedy. Moreover, we extend an invitation to these families to join the OneFamily community, where they can access a wide range of support programs designed to aid them on their journey toward healing.

Therapy for New Widows

Relief Effort


Supporting Bereaved


Aiding the


For those who have been wounded, our commitment to healing and recovery remains unwavering. Our staff and volunteers visit hospitals to understand the specific needs of each individual. The challenges faced by the wounded are complex, and we strive to address them comprehensively. As bad as the injuries are, sometimes the trauma cuts even deeper. At OneFamily, we offer support programs for each family member’s emotional wellbeing. Our robust Youth Division provides a nurturing environment for the children of those affected, offering them a space to find solace and camaraderie.

At OneFamily, our mission has lead us to make investments in the bereaved and wounded communities which surpassed a million dollars in the first two weeks, illustrating our unwavering dedication to their wellbeing, as well as our urgent need for your partnership!


Assisting the

Many of the families we are helping had already been victims of terror before October 7th, 2023. Recognizing the immense challenges faced by these displaced families, we have established a dedicated “situation room” and call center. Here, nearly 20 volunteers work tirelessly to connect families with safe and comfortable apartments. Moreover, we provide essential follow-up care and support to ensure that they have the resources they need to rebuild their lives.

At OneFamily, our mission is to alleviate suffering and improve the lives of those who have endured the unthinkable. We are here to stand with the bereaved, wounded, and displaced, offering food, clothing, blankets, toiletries, housing, therapy, and being a source of hope during their darkest days. Together, we can make a difference and bring a glimmer of light to those in need.

Donate Now

For inquiries email Info@onefamilyfund.org
Call 972-2-5339000

Mail checks to
Rachel Imenu 28
Jerusalem 9322800

Live From Israel


Truth About The War And Its Impact on Israelis

Interview with Marc Belzberg and Naomi Nussbaum, April 2, 2024

Clips of OneFamily

in Action

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